Young Artist Awards

The Rotary Club of Deloraine encourages young Tasmanians in a number of ways.
These Awards are aimed at those who have some artistic ability who may wish to use those abilities after leaving school, either professionally or as a past-time.
Entering the Awards means that students will need to focus on the theme, decide their medium, work to a timetable, comment on themselves and their entry and consider framing styles.
The history so far shows that becoming part of the TYAA is a great developmental step for aspiring artists. Seeing their works exhibited alongside those from students from all over Tasmania opens their eyes to future possibilities as well as other entrants’ styles.
Rotary encourages you to be involved and see where it leads you.
Simply download the application form and follow the instructions.
If you have any questions, please call Tim Biggs on 0428 237 078.